Thursday, March 5, 2009

Final rose my a**

Well obviously I was going to have to rant about the finale of the Bachelor...

What a dork! I could not believe it! I was so excited that he chose my favorite girl (Melissa) and it was soooo cute! Then ten minutes later he dumps Melissa and asks Molly to take him back! What a freakin' skeez! I guess that's why you don't try to find your spouse on national TV in a few months... how lame!

Good news... I'M GOING TO SEE BRITNEY!!! WOOO WHOOO!!!! My awesome friend Erin (who pretty much rocks my socks) is going with me! I couldn't be more excited. I am a huge Britney Spears fan and fully support he come back and getting healthy. Yea!

Sorry this isn't that exciting. I have other things to blog about but forgot to bring my camera with me to school so I could the pictures up that go along. Oops... We need the internet... boo...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wordless eternity!

Still no internet... I think I might be dying...

I don't have a lot of time but I had to post this... Apparently it's old news. This is for those of you who haven't seen or heard about it. Joaquin Phoenix on David Letterman. Seriously, by far the oddest most awkward thing I have EVER seen. We caught a rerun the other night and I was floored. I kept thinking, "this HAS to be a joke"! Nope. No joke... just weird...