Monday, October 5, 2009

More power to ya

We went tubing down the Weber river a couple months back (so I'm a little behind... big deal). For all you not familiar with river tubing it's where you get cheap snow tubes, or even better old tires and you ride them down a raging river. Sounds like a great idea right?

Some may think it sounds kinda sketchy. I think it sounds like a blast. For those who are a little nervous what is a great way to take the edge off? I know! Alcohol! That sounds even more safe right? Um...

Dear group of like 100 drunk college kids,
Even though I don't think drinking is a great idea (let alone while you are hanging onto a flimsy tube for dear life but whatever) I do want to thank you for providing great entertainment. Not only did you cheer us on as we passed (thanks for the support) but you graciously donned crazy outfits complete with sweat bands and hoochie shorts (on a guy). To top it all off thank you for risking your lives by cramming all your friends onto one giant tube! Here here for drunk idiots!

To get the full effect of these you'll have to click on them and pull 'em up big enough...

Get ready!

Here they come!

Please notice the shark! Baha!



brenda Casper said...

I am pretty sure those sweatbands are necessary. Who knows, one may actually be used to save a life... :)

Becca said...

BAHAHAAAAA!! That made my dad!

Leigh said...

Made your dad what?