Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's only just begun...

I got a new job! Yea!

I am working at Rocky Mountain Dermatology in Logan and today was my first day.

Picture this:

Little me all new and nervous waiting for the PA to come see my patient. I'm chit chatting with some of the other gals in the office.

One of the other nurses walks out of a patient room a little green in the face.

What's wrong?

Oh don't worry... the asian guy in there brought in his own skin sample...

In a napkin...

Collected from his bed...

From skin that has been flaking off his groin...


P.S Wear sunscreen. Wear sunscreen. Wear sunscreen. The end.


Erin said...

Ew. You're joking. Skin in a napkin?? That almost rivals mothers pulling their daughters tampons out...

Sierra said...

Dis-Gus-Ting! That is all I have to say

Becca said...

GROSS!! But congrats on getting that job! YAY!!!!

Veronica and TJ said...

That is pretty dang sick. I agree... wear sunscreen, wear sunscreen, wear sunscreen:)