Monday, January 26, 2009

Yes... we get it...

I just needed to rant a little bit.  So if you know me at all you know I grew up in... how should I put this... a "diverse" area.  I like to think I'm open minded because of it.  Sure I've met people that fit all sorts of racial stereotypes but for all of those people I've met tons that don't fit into it at all. As a result I don't tend to classify people until I get a glimpse into their personality. I don't care if you're black, white, yellow, or green!  If you have a bad attitude I dislike you equally... do you see where I'm going with this? 

As for the new leader of the free world...

I cannot stand how everyone is going on and on about "hallelujah we elected a black man"! Don't get me wrong it really is amazing that we've come this far and yada, yada, yada.  What really grinds my gears is that it shouldn't matter either way.  Someone is not more or less qualified by the color of his skin.  It shouldn't matter that Mr. President is black.  What should matter is the person's political views and the caliber of his character.  I am not saying Mr. Obama is going to be a good or bad president (I don't want this to be a blog about my political persuasions).  All I'm saying is drop it all ready!  Yep he's black... and...? 

I've heard people claim things like all white people are racists and that all we see is color.  Isn't that true about the preacher on the news rejoicing for the first black president?   Do you get what I'm saying? It's a double standard...

Well, that was a lot lengthier than I originally planned.  All I'm saying is yes it's great... now let's move on!


Misty said...

I just hope he can live up to all that he has promised. I totally agree to you, the color of one's skin shouldn't determine who we elect. But, we witnessed history. I think that is why everyone is hung up on his color. I'm hoping that they got it all out and now we can get to business and get this country moving toward a more positive direction than it is.